Electron spin resonance

螢幕截圖 2016-04-05 14.40.46

Item no.: P2511200


With electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy compounds having unpaired electrons can be studied. The physical background of ESR is similar to that of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), but with this technique electron spins are excited instead of spins of atomic nuclei. The g-factor of a DPPH (Diphenylpikrylhydrazyl) specimen and the halfwidth of the absorption line are determined, using the ESR apparatus.


  1. Determine the g-factor (Landé-factor) of the DPPH (Diphenylpicrylhydrazyl) specimen.
  2. Determine the FWHM (Full Width at Half Maximum) of the absorption line.

What you can learn about

  • Zeeman effect
  • Energy quantum
  • Quantum number
  • Resonance
  • g-factor
  • Landé factor