Quantitative X-ray fluorescence analysis of alloyed materials

Item no.: P2545001 Principle Various alloyed materials are subjected to polychromatic X-rays. The energy of the resulting fluorescence radiation is analysed with the aid of a semiconductor detector and a multichannel analyser. The energy of the corresponding characteristic X-ray fluorescence lines is determined. In order to determine the concentration of the alloy constituents, the intensity

X-ray investigation of crystal structures / Laue method with digital X-ray image sensor(XRIS)

Item no.: P2541602 Principle Laue diagrams are produced when monocrystals are irradiated with polychromatic X-rays. This method is primarily used for the determination of crystal symmetries and the orientation of crystals. When a LiF monocrystal is irradiated with polychromatic X-rays, a characteristic diffraction pattern results. This pattern is photographed with the digital X-ray sensor XRIS.