Diffusion in gases: The diffusion coefficient of bromine in air

Item no.: P3010301 Principle Diffusion arises from the flow of matter down a concentration gradient. In the evaporation method, a stationary concentration gradient is achieved in which the concentration decreases linearly with distance. Under these conditions the diffusion coefficient of the diffusing substance may be calculated by a direct application of Fick’s first law of

Chromatographic separation processes: Gas chromatography with Cobra4

Item no.: P3031760 Principle Chromatographic procedures allow a separation of substance mixtures with the aid of a stationary separation phase and a mobile phase. In gas chromatography the mobile phase is a gas. The mobile phase, to which the mixture to be separated is added, transports the substance mixture through the separation column at a

Determination of the molar mass of a liquid

Item no.: P3010501 Principle The molar mass of a liquid is to be determined by evaporating a liquid at constant temperature and pressure, and measuring the volume of  vapour  formed using a calibrated gas syringe. Tasks Determine the molar masses of diethyl ether and methanol. Discuss the results in terms of the real and ideal

Equation of state for ideal gases with Cobra4

(gas laws: Gay-Lussac, Amontons, Boyle) Item no.: P2320160 Principle The state of a gas is determined by temperature, pressure and amount of substance. For the limiting case of ideal gases, these state variables are linked via the general equation of state. For a change of state under isochoric conditions this equation becomes Amontons’ law. In

Universal Law for Idea Gas

Item no.: F09 Introduction To survey fundamental thermodynamics, experiment kit of thermal engine, build-in-piston and gas cylinder, is developed to investigate the relationship among gas pressure, volume and temperature. Here the essential experiments including Boyle’s law, Charles, Gay-Lussac’s law, combined gas law, as well as Carnot cycle will be performed in this subject. Through thermal